JetTrack combines travel data for thousands of companies with management insights to uncover investable opportunities

Partnerships with:
Predict Corporate Strategy With The Only
Analytics Platform Designed for Institutional Investors
See outlier flight and management data on:
Russell 3000, Private Equity, large private companies, European publics, and SPACs.
20+ investor case studies available by request.
Future Corporate Strategy and Diligence
Compare historical trends against current activity to uncover everything from M&A, expansion plans, and supply chain issues.
Analyze management teams: are they constantly vacationing? Have they moved to the new headquarters? Are they visiting branches?
Our Clients Have Found Success Across Strategies
“This is a critical component of understanding what management is focused on.”
Portfolio Manager
$750mm Merger Arb Team
“Their insights platform surfaces flights and other outlier management data that I consistently act on.”
$11bn Fundamental Fund
“An impactful and differentiated input into our management and corporate action analysis.”
Data Strategist
$5bn long short equity firm
We built JetTrack to help you uncover real insights…
without spending hours sifting through data.
Ask us about our notifications, outlier flight indicators, flight context generator,
and other features on our platform.
JetTrack covers where business is done.
The Americas, Eastern and Western Europe, cities within Russia, the seaboard of China, the rest of Asia, parts of northern Africa.
JetTrack has a coverage map that no one else has, the map that covers where deals are done.